Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Lots of pool time over here equals a good way to help long, teething, dad's at work, hot days. Lots of outside on a blanket time as well as she loves watching trees and tall grass move and the parent gets to lay down nearby and admire wide eyed, giggly fascination of such things. Sometimes tears form in this parent's eyes at the beauty in this and because just a few minutes before were really difficult with lots of crying and wriggling while trying to be bounced to sleep in a too warm house. I'm starting to understand our feisty girl's patterns a little more. Oh what a change of scenery and activity can do for all involved. I recommend it before anything else.

There are lots of new flowers in the mystery garden (we moved here in January) including an evening primrose (pictured at the top). It's amazing, flowering off and on all through the month and into July. It seems to close during the day and open in the evening, when it's cooler. We still have a few unknown green things with buds that are soon to pop!

Some lady, me, made Bea a tag toy! She loves tags. 

Just finished the pink knitted tank top. It was inspired by a Purl Bee pattern I'm having a really hard time finding again. 


Tried a new recipe for making fizzy kombucha. Ours is never fizzy and this is the closest it's ever been to store bought, deliciously carbonated kombucha. Check out this great tutorial: 


Isn't the scoby gross looking?

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