Monday, February 16, 2015

Documenting Bea and the now here, in a very small way has been fun! I will be glad to look back on some of these pictures and posts. I love her busy hands, making worms and cookies, sorting beads, throwing beads. Oh, throwing beads. I bought those about six months ago because I felt a rush of inspiration to make beaded bracelets for all of the grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins but quickly realized the fun mess they make, the sustaining mess they make, the sounds they make in the vacuum, the way they feel on the bare foot, and the way they slide off of the adult's tiny bracelet attempt without a care in the world. For now, beads are for sorting and listening to as they hit glass and plastic jars.

1 comment:

Auntie Tanya said...

Love you!