Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I've got a chai recipe to share soon. Until then, let me show you one of my favorite knits for the littles, especially the very littles.

This hat. Really fast, really simple, and so darn adorable on a newborn to about six months. I've made three in my life so far. The last two were for twins! What an honor, I thought, as I purled and ribbed away thinking of the two due to arrive in May. Not us, of course. No no no, not us. We are well and busy with one almost one year old.

Miss Camellia Bea is officially walking, signing bird, singing on cue, and uniquely saying kitty (tikky). We love her rosy magenta cheeks and her wide toothy smile. Sometimes she sleeps better than she has the day before. Sometimes not. I'm enjoying tips from the Sear's book, "The Baby Sleep Book-The Complete Guide to a Good Nights Rest for the Whole Family", especially after the "not" nights. And I find great comfort thinking of our fellow parent comrades down the street or even across the states, perhaps struggling with the same thing, on the same night. This sometimes brings me comfort. Hey, and if it doesn't, waking up to that silly finger pointing baby is pretty great. She's always up for helping mom and dad make coffee, their special drink.

Enjoy your Januarys people!

One chai recipe coming up next.

1 comment:

A said...

Ohhh this is the sweetest!! I recently made Sofia a pixie hat from an old sweater and some cute fabric... It's in one of the photos on this link:

(I just realized I never did a post about it!) I used a pattern I bought off of etsy and kind of changed it a bit because it had ties like yours... & Sofia's not so patient with that! Haha. So she got velcro instead!!