Saturday, November 23, 2013

Bea, it's been nice sitting with you, looking out of the big window this afternoon. The cold dry stones out front are so pretty next to what is left of the less than leafy trees. You are getting big, older! Ten months, six teeth, nearly thirty inches long, and twenty pounds heavy.

I love walking with you. You leading me with your arms above you, holding my hands, my mama hands and your baby hands. Yell for dad. Go ahead, he loves it.

And I love strolling with you. Your finger points to everything, e v e r y t h i n g a l l o f t h e t i m e. My favorite of your favorites is the rose. Somehow you can spot it without buds and from quite a distance. That's impressive, m'lady. Onward!

And now, it's time to start crafting on a budget. To be continued!

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