Friday, February 15, 2013

In parenthood patience is begged of you. 


It is a time to sit quietly with blanketed baby, watching as they wriggle and twitch. It is a time of serious testing against the loudest and longest cries you'll ever hear all while you're hungry, dirty, exhausted, and annoyed. It is a time to practice remembering that the earth rotates and time moves onward despite a string of very difficult days. Oh, thank goodness there are two of us.

Oh thank goodness she has the most amazing smile and even a sweet quivering lip right before a big cry. Oh thank goodness he is who he is, open and warm and real. Thank the skies for friends visiting and evidence of her growth. All of that breast feeding is really fattening up those thighs and rounding out those cheeks. Oh the cheeks mom and dad love to kiss! Those big, gorgeous blue eyes are staying open longer. And the smiles, oh the smiles.

In parenthood, you put everything aside to do it right.

In between some of it, namely while she naps, there are windows for you to be you. There must be a way to morph the two. Maybe we'll discover that in week three, four, or five. Patience, dear parents.


dujyt said...

Such timely, beautiful musings. You are a wise woman already.

Unknown said...

I'm glad you check in on these ramblings thoughts and ideas, Aunt Judy! Love to you!