Saturday, October 11, 2014

Let's bury the buckeye in the sand like squirrels. Okay, Miss Squirrel dig up our lunch. Should we bury the buckeye in the sand like squirrels again?

Did you notice these yellow leaves? How perfectly the same they all are, all but their sizes and their different shades of yellow and brown? I'll take a few home for close examination. How strange that they all indent on the left side of the center to not match their right side partner. How strange and how just like nature to do that.

We're going to visit Nana and all the aunties and uncle next week, Bea! We will show you the Atlantic Ocean, rocks that are gray and old and gigantic and tiny. Daddy and I will take you to a beautiful house in Vermont and you will meet two fun kids with long hair. You will entertain us and our family and friends and make us laugh with your Chew-ba-ca head dance and your robot clothespins. Remember when you first saw a clothespin and decided it was a robot? We were in Porto visiting Emily. I am glad to have that memory.

Let's visit this park as much as we can. Even in the rain. Okay?
